Enter the Timezone: Web3 Game Jam

Unleash Your Creativity, It’s About Time

OP Games
6 min readNov 8, 2023

What can fly without wings?

The answer is time.

Arcadian Clock!

And as time moves forward, technology evolves. What was once science fiction is now reality. For instance, the advent of blockchain has enabled creation of cryptocurrency; digital money unbound from any one institution. Furthermore, the creation of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) which have become a revolutionary form of digital art and ownership. In the world of gaming, time has brought forth the era of Web3 gaming — a concept that might have seemed like science fiction just a few years ago.

What is Web3 Gaming?

Web3 gaming, at its core, is about decentralization, ownership, and a more immersive gaming experience. It’s a paradigm shift, akin to the transition from traditional arcade games to expansive open-world experiences. Web3 gaming leverages the power of blockchain technology, enabling players to truly own in-game assets, characters, and even entire virtual worlds.

Generative Dungeon on Arcadia.Fun (A Web3 Game)

Imagine a scenario where a legendary sword you earn in a game is not just data on a server but a unique digital item stored securely in your digital wallet. It’s a sword you can truly own, sell, or trade as you wish, bridging the gap between the virtual and real world. This is where Web3 gaming is headed — and it’s all about transforming how we perceive and interact with games.

Arcadia Arena with Arcadian NFTs!

But what does time have to do with this gaming revolution? The answer lies in the evolution of the technology itself. As time marches on, so too does the progress of blockchain and related Web3 technologies. It’s an exciting journey where the once seemingly futuristic concept of owning digital assets is now a reality.

Introducing: The Web3 Game Jam

Web3 Game Jam

Now, this is where the Online Web3 Game Jam comes in. It’s a challenge for forward-thinking developers; no matter where they are in their careers, to shape the future of gaming. The central theme, “It’s About Time,” aptly reflects the new era that we are ushering.

However, catchphrase isn’t just a clever pun. It’s an invitation to create something groundbreaking by integrating time-related mechanics into your game. Whether it’s speedrun-centered or a game woven into the very fabric of time, the possibilities are endless. Your creativity knows no bounds in this visionary competition.

A Summit Like No Other

The Web3 Game Jam is at the heart of the YGG Web3 Games Summit, an event that unites creators, gamers, and visionaries from all corners of the world. It’s a thrilling fusion of diversity, creativity, and innovation, where you’ll collaborate with like-minded individuals who share the dream of redefining the gaming landscape.

All made possible through the collaboration of OP Games, W3GG, and Yield Guild Games Pilipinas.

For more information on the event, check here!

Rewards for the Innovators

Let’s talk about rewards.

An Arcadian finds Treasure!

A jaw-dropping prize pool of $5,000 in USDC awaits, with the top three winners securing a substantial share. The first-place winner claims $3,000, while the second and third prizes are set at $2,000 and $1,000, respectively.

But here’s where it gets even more exciting. The Audience Choice Award, determined by public votes on Itch.io, lets the community have their say in declaring a winner.

Gamemaker’s Toolbox

Wondering where to start? Don’t fret; there’s something for everyone, from seasoned developers to newcomers.

Select the game engine of your choice, from recommended options like GDevelop, Godot, Phaser, or Defold, to heavyweight alternatives such as Unity (Web GL), Cocos, or 8XR. For the multiplayer enthusiasts, consider platforms like Elympics, Colyseus, or Modd.io. And if you’re up for an extra challenge, why not try your hand at js13kGames specific size-constraint engines like Kontra, Goodluck, or LittleJS?

The Time is NOW

Intrigued? You should be. The Web3 Game Jam is your chance to explore the vast world of Web3 gaming, express your creativity, and have a shot at significant rewards.

Deadline of submission is on November 14, 2023 on Itch.io.



OP Games is the driving force behind Arcadia, a groundbreaking gaming platform that empowers indie game developers and captivates players with engaging hyper-casual gaming experiences. With its pioneering suite of tools and SDK, known as “game legos,” OP Games enables game developers to seamlessly incorporate web3 elements into their creations.

It doesn’t stop at creating a gaming platform; it’s creating a thriving ecosystem that offers a rewarding competitive experience for players while facilitating a smooth transition into web3 for game developers. At OP Games, we’re ushering in a new era of disruptive games poised to revolutionize the gaming scene.

Founded by seasoned gaming veterans, OP Games is unwaveringly dedicated to reshaping the future of gaming through unwavering innovation and boundless creativity. Our mission is to provide an inclusive space where developers, creators, fans, and players can all find their home. Through our platform, tools, and cutting-edge player economy, OP Games offers something for everyone in the exciting world of web3 gaming.

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Arcadia: Website | Twitter | Discord | TikTok | YouTube


An exclusive official guild partner of Yield Guild Games in Southeast Asia with grassroot footprint in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. W3GG aims to lead the way in web3 adoption in SEA and provide opportunities for learning, growth, jobs and entrepreneurship to the SEA community, whilst making a positive impact in the gaming industry and beyond.

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Yield Guild Games (YGG) is the world’s largest web3 gaming guild, uniting players to explore the world of blockchain games and the open Metaverse. As a decentralized network of gaming guilds, YGG is dedicated to providing its members with opportunities for success in the Metaverse. They empower their community through initiatives like Web3 Metaversity, and the Guild Advancement Program (GAP), a token distribution protocol driven by achievements, as well as Superquests, which aims to make web3 games accessible to players of all levels.

YGG is actively involved in the competitive web3 esports scene and fields a team of elite esports players known as YGG Elite, who have achieved success in various web3 game tournaments worldwide. With roots in YGG Pilipinas in the Philippines and a global network of regional guild partners, as well as partnerships with over 80 blockchain games and infrastructure projects, YGG caters to a growing community of gamers and blockchain enthusiasts.

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