2023 Wrapped: Why 2024 Is the Year to Join OP Games

OP Games
5 min readDec 29, 2023


It’s been quite a journey since the birth of OP Games in 2018, and we’ve come a long way on our mission to revolutionize the gaming space. Here’s to another year packed full of innovative development and future paving.

OP Games: A Brief History

OP Games was founded in 2018 with the goal of revolutionizing the gaming space by providing developer tools and infrastructures that have since made game development in web3 more streamlined, simple, and worthwhile for the developer community.

In 2020 the brand released its Arcadia platform, reminiscent of Y8 or Newgrounds built on blockchain rails to support cryptocurrency payouts, NFT compatibility, and other web3 features. Arcadia allowed hyper-casual games easy entry into the web3 space, and opened a playground for Indie developers to explore the possibilities of game distribution in web3.

Since then, OP Games has raised over 8 million dollars to support better web3 game development and player experiences, including $300K in its Genesis Arcandians mint, proceeds of which were donated to open-source game development projects like Phaser, Defold, Godot, and Blender.

2023 Highlights

2023 brought with it the unique challenges and opportunities of the crypto winter. OP Games persevered, using the bear market to build and develop new tools, NFTs, and infrastructures, differentiating as a leading project built to withstand trying times.

Some highlights of OP’s 2023 journey include introducing new features to Arcadia such as personal player profiles and on-platform tournament hosting, and a second generation of Arcadian NFTs.

New games emerged on Arcadia, and OP moved Arcadia.fun to Polygon Mainnet to support scalability and promote cross-chain support on the platform. The move to Polygon also laid the groundwork for the second generation of Arcadian NFTs to launch.

Arcadians: Reloaded NFTs

In 2023, OP released the Arcadians: Reloaded collection with enhanced technical capabilities and features, ERC-6551 compatibility, and new AI possibilities, stretching the limits of NFT ownership and letting players be the first to experience the latest innovations in NFT functionality. These new NFT capabilities include allowing NFTs to own, wear, and use their gear, enhancing their attributes and XP, and bundling NFT value into tradable packaged deals. OP has been exploring new ERC-6551 NFT capabilities with AI, to forge on-chain NPCs (Non-Player Characters).

Arcadia Platform Development

This year, OP Games began modeling Arcadia after Itch.io to create the ultimate player and developer hub for web3 gaming. On a journey to reach this reality, 2023 saw OP open new avenues for developers of all backgrounds to enter Arcadia through a simplified onboarding process, encouraging more game devs to enter web3 and reach new opportunities in the space. We’ve made strides towards the ultimate web3 platform, and we’re looking forward to see our final vision take full shape in 2024.


OP Games attended pivotal web3 and gaming events in 2023 to establish a strong global presence, focusing primarily on South East Asia’s gaming community. Furthermore, a crucial partnership with W3GG, Yield Guild Games’ SEA arm, was established; making a focus on the SEA audience essential.

OP’s most noteworthy events included the Philippine Game Development Expo and Yield Guild Games Web3 Games Summit. OP played an active role at both events, co-hosting a game jam with W3GG at the Philippine Game Development Expo, with even more involvement at YGG Web3 Summit.

OP Games held a booth over the course of the YGG Web3 Summit to publicly feature tournaments on Arcadia, and CEO Chase Freo gave several talks during the summit conferences exploring the future of gaming and game development. Most notably, OP Games co-organized the Summit’s Web3 Game Jam and spearheaded the online international category of the Jam.

Growing Web3 Network

Resulting in part from the brand’s presence at prominent web3 and gaming events, OP Games forged momentous new partnerships in 2023, including deep strategic alliances with W3GG, Yield Guild Games (YGG), and YGG Pilipinas, which have paved the way for breakthrough game development opportunities, including game jams, accelerators, ambassador programs.

Additionally, OP forged strategic partnerships with Arcus, Portal Coin, and LOTTY, streaming partnerships with KooKoo Crypto TV and Ready Player DAO, and gaming partnerships with Angry Dynomites Labs and Generative Dungeon.

What’s in Store for 2024?

OP is heading out into the new year on a positive trajectory toward influencing a better gaming future. With plans to push the boundaries of blockchain gaming, introduce new frontiers in NFT creation with ERC-6551 and AI, attract more indie devs onto Arcadia and into the OP Games community, and form new partnerships within the web3 and gaming communities.

Keep on the lookout for exciting new developer opportunities, including game jams, hackathons, developer grants, and an accelerator program in partnership with well-known blockchain brands.

The future of game development is on its way, and OP Games is forging the frontier. Developers who enter the platform now are at a unique advantage to enter the web3 space, contribute to building up the future of gaming, and reap rewards for leading the way.

The new year is upon us. Ready to embark on a new development adventure with OP Games?

Start here 👉 https://gamelegos.typeform.com/to/UU2SPi0E

OP Games — Building the games you love, one block at a time.

OP Games is the driving force behind Arcadia, a groundbreaking gaming platform that empowers indie game developers and captivates players with engaging hyper-casual gaming experiences. With its pioneering suite of tools and SDK, known as “game legos,” OP Games enables game developers to seamlessly incorporate web3 elements into their creations.

It doesn’t stop at creating a gaming platform; it’s creating a thriving ecosystem that offers a rewarding competitive experience for players while facilitating a smooth transition into web3 for game developers. At OP Games, we’re ushering in a new era of disruptive games poised to revolutionize the gaming scene.

Founded by seasoned gaming veterans, OP Games is unwaveringly dedicated to reshaping the future of gaming through unwavering innovation and boundless creativity. Our mission is to provide an inclusive space where developers, creators, fans, and players can all find their home. Through our platform, tools, and cutting-edge player economy, OP Games offers something for everyone in the exciting world of web3 gaming.

OP Games: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium
Arcadia: Website | Twitter | Discord | TikTok | YouTube

